Thursday, August 12, 2010


第一篇用华文写的博客~ 嘻嘻... 分享一些快乐的事吧... 爸爸没事了,出院了...开心~^^

再分享一些"过期"的心情...@.@ 没办法...最近在考试.. po 我在pc-fair购入的>第一台数码相机!!!
还有还有...附送的可爱小喇叭! 呵呵...开心! 开心!

超好吃! 超窝心的~sweet~

最近,我都在玩微博..好方便哦~ 附加了一个小框框在我的博客里,随时分享心情~

现在是考试期间,在忙里偷闲的情况下写第三篇博客, 也是第一篇用华语"咱门家的母语"写的博客~ 鼓励鼓励~!!! 考完试继续分享~ 也会专研我的新数码相机~ 期待~期待!!!
最后,激励激励自己> "考试加油"!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dad's accident

A moment ago, I received a call from my mum. She said that my daddy had met an accident at his workplace but luckily it was just a small accident and my dad had burned some parts of his hair and his eyebrow… But, my mum said she haven’t met my daddy so she was not so clear about my dad situations and she said will call me after visiting my dad in hospital at night.

After I hang up the call, I immediately call Liang and tell him about this to calm myself down. I called my dad immediately to see if he is okay. I was relieved when I heard his voice, he seems like he's still in a good condition… But I feel that my dad is pretending and want me to focus on my final exam. The accident let me recall back one of the nightmare in my childhood’s time… When I was still in the age of primary school, I always had the same nightmare, I always dream that if one day, my parents were to disappeared without me knowing, and how would that be?... Every time when I had this kind of dream, my tears will fall and run to my parents to hide myself in the middle while they are sleeping. I am always afraid that my parents will get older as time passes… and they will leave us one day… I’ve told myself that I must study hard in order to have a brighter future to relieve my parents burden and let them enjoy their life without worrying about the family’s financial problem and also their children- me and my siblings. Now, I’m still waiting for my mum’s call and hope that everything will be alright…

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

1st post is born~

This is the first post in my blog~ Feel a bit nervous and do not really know what I should write…

Poor English make me felt so embarrassing and do not dare to speak out and even write on blog…

I have hesitated for few minutes before start to write on this post… At last, I decide to use English to write my first post because I think of Wendee’s encouragement~

But, maybe the following posts will use both English and Chinese Language according to my mood.

I hope that people who visit my blog will not blame me for my poor grammars and vocabulary~

I'll try my best to improve my English~!!!

Had finished two presentations in two days time, fuu~~ Relax for few hours lie on my bed and watch a movie(Alice In Wonderland).

Actually I want to watch this movie for a long time ago…

Finally, I watch it today~ it’s a nice movie. It let me feels like I've back to childhood times...I like the character- Hatter who is play by Johnny Depp. I like Hatter’s expression and his funny attire~ + his craziness~


Time to continue on my assignment again… Last assignment and after this I have to put all of my effort on the last test- Fin 325